Call me Agnes
Call me Agnes

Netherlands / 2024 / 94'

A vida de Agnes gira em torno de jogar badminton com seus amigos queer e trabalhar em um restaurante que ela montou dentro de sua casa com sua melhor amiga Rini. Um dia, seu irmão mais novo Indra chega, procurando por seu irmão Hans. Agnes enfrenta um dilema, manter a mentira ou contar a verdade sobre quem ela é. A verdade pode dar a ela uma chance de se reconciliar com seu irmão, mas parece mais difícil de alcançar do que ela pensava.
Agnes’ life revolves around playing badminton with her queer friends and working at a restaurant she set up inside her house with her best friend Rini. One day her younger brother Indra arrives, looking for his brother Hans. Agnes faces a dilemma, keep the lie or tell the truth about who she is. The truth could give her a chance to reconcile with her brother but it seems more difficult to reach than she thought.

directed by Daniel Donato
cast: Agnes Geneva, Rini Mak, Gianluca Koeswanto and Fernando Belfiore

production: Manon Bovenkerk
script: Daniel Donato and Lucas Camargo de Barros
cinematography: Lamis Al Mohamad
production design: Eljo Embregts
sound recording: Alexandros Papamarkou

editing: Lucas Camargo de Barros
ass. editing: Ian Capillé
sound design: Kamila Wójcik
original music: S'yo Fang
lyrics: Agnes Geneva  

a production of near/by film

.Exhibitions and Awards.
Netherlands Film Festival (Netherlands)
Queer Lisboa (Portugal)